UIAA Ice Climbing: Laying the future foundations

2024/25 UIAA Ice Climbing World Tour

The UIAA has been working very hard with its amazing team of event organisers to develop the calendar for the 2025 season. The intention is to publish the provisional schedule in the first week of June. The 2024-25 season, again partnered by Outdoor Research, is set to be incredibly exciting with six World Cup events scheduled.

UIAA Ice Climbing Governance

At the recent UIAA Spring meetings in Argentina, the Ice Climbing Governing Group provided a detailed report on the 2023-2024 World Tour to the UIAA Management Board (MB). Focus was also shone on the future of the sport. Here, a new governance model was proposed – chiefly the creation of a self-governed Operating Unit under the UIAA umbrella. This proposal would demand updates to the current UIAA Articles of Association as ultimately the creation of new operational guidelines to guide the future direction of the sport. The feedback from the MB was positive, with some clarifications requested regarding some operational questions and risks. Further information will be made available ahead of likely formal recommendation to the GA in November.

Winter Olympic Games

The Winter Olympics in 2030 are likely to be hosted in France – so ahead of the confirmation of 2030 host venue by the IOC in July, the UIAA has been working with the French National Federation FFCAM to lay some important ground work with the objective of lobbying the French Organising Committee if and when that announcement is made in the summer. The UIAA also met with the IOC recently to discuss all the developments that have happened in the last year and to lay plans for the future.

Documentary Series: On Thin Ice

Are you missing your regular fix of Ice Climbing content now the winter is over? Well, the first episode of ‘On Thin Ice’ will premiere in June with all the behind the scenes, interviews and unseen footage from the 2024 UIAA Ice Climbing World Tour – it’s definitely going to be exciting! Be sure to watch the Episode Zero of On Thin Ice to catch up with all of the action from last season here.

Athlete Surveys

The UIAA Athlete Commission have done an amazing job in conducting a far-reaching survey asking participating athletes on this past seasons World Tour about every event they attended, as well some more general questions about how they want to see their sport develop and improve in the future. The report produced by the commission shows the UIAA exactly where the athletes want the sport to go, and what we need to do to get it there. A lot of changes will be implemented at future events that are a direct result of this feedback.

UIAA Ice Climbing Stakeholder Summit – 6-7 July 2024

The UIAA and FFCAM, la Fédération française des clubs alpins et de montagne, will organise the second annual workshop in July to shape the future direction of competition ice climbing. The summit will again be in Champagny-en-Vanoise at the site of the UIAA Ice Climbing World Cup at the tower in Champagny-le-haut on the 6-7 July. Please add the date to your diary – further details will follow.



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